Good let's kick it off with;
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8
I never get tired of this book. And fighting the Asgardian Squirrel God comes to an end. Loki was cool, the book was funny and I still don't read those little things at the bottom of every other page. Feels like the end of a story arc leading up to an all new issue #1 because, well, let's face it. Sometimes, Marvel is kinda dumb.
DC Comics Bombshells #1
Hurray! A World War 2 all female hero comic book. Based off of some really cool retro statues. I don't know, but this might be the first time a series of statues inspired a comic book series. I hope this comic is around for a minimum of a hundred issues. Good stuff.
Mrs. Deadpool and The Howling Commandos.
So, Mrs. Deadpool finds the thingie she needs to get revenge against Dracula for killing Deadpool. This issue seems to embrace the silliness of the whole affair better than the previous issues. Also, introducing Weirdworld in another comic is pretty cool as well.
Red Skull #2
Red Skull saves Magneto, chugs some Sentinel coolant and introduces Magneto to Annihilus so he can reveal his plan to bring down the shield and kill Doom. Sound confusing? Sure it does, it's a Marvel epic crossover, isn't it? Still, I like the comic for what it is.
Swords of Sorrow #4
Two issues to go and all is coming to a head. The ladies for good have grouped together to take on the bad girls one at a time. The bad girls don't stand a chance. At first I thought this felt a bit rushed, but now it seems to be unfolding at a proper rate. Kind of curious to see how they are going to end this one.
Kaijumax 4 &5
At first I really liked this book. The concept of Monster Island meets Orange IS The New Black sounded a little intriguing. Yeah, now it's more prison-ey than before and I am loosing interest. We'll see how long this lasts on my pull list.
Justice Inc. The Avenger #3
And a hearty thank you to Mark Waid for giving me The Avenger I remember from my younger days. Half Invisible creatures! Cliffhangers galore! And Nazis! Nothing can go wrong with this comic book and I am so glad to see that Waid is doing such a great job with this book. And the art work by Ronnilson Freire is well suited to the subject matter. A truly great book.
Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman #13
In the middle of a heated battle between Crime Syndicate's Superwoman and Wonder Woman there is time for a lesson to never settle and always strive to be your best. I like the issues with more than one story, but this was fine. A bunch of people wrote and drew it so, no chance of me putting them all here. It's still a great issue and I like that she kind of makes fun of the new, completely covered, terrible Wonder Woman costume in the issue. If you really love good old fashioned super hero stories then you do owe it to yourself to get this comic.
Bizarro #3

They do such a great job with this comic that it makes my head hurt trying to translate what Bizarro is saying. We get a town of ghosts with an old western vibe and a relative of Jonah Hex as well. Chastity Hex needs her own book. You hear me DC??? Chastity Hex! Own Book! NOW!!! I hope that before we get to issue 6 that they realize we should get this book to continue for all time. Maybe it is an unlimited series? Bizarro would call an unlimited series a mini series so, it makes sense, Yeah, we'll go with that.
Invader Zim #2
My children introduced me to Invader Zim the cartoon. It is weird and gross and funny. I do like Gir. He makes me laugh. The comic manages to do the same and I'm glad we get a continued fix of Zim. Maybe will decide to keep it going after the proposed 10 issues.
Weirdworld #3
Arkon escapes the clutches of Morgana Le Fey with the last of the Crystal Warriors. And then Morgana sends some guy to kill him. This issue seemed off to me. I can't put my finger on it, but it just didn't compare to the two previous issues and I'm not sure why. Next issues promises The Queen of The Man-Things and a bunch of Man-Things so, I assume I will really like that issue. If nothing else I do want to see how artist Mike Del Mundo paints them. I'll probably demand a poster or something at that point.
So, some books were great, some not so great. Nothing awful and you can look at a previous post for the new Martian Manhunter book. I really like that book.
If you email me your contact info ( I will mail you a copy of my new Man-Thing Micro Comic absolutely free! Get yours while supplies last!