Monday, December 27, 2010
Erin (Drew Barrymore) and Garrett (Justin Long) strike sparks for a summer fling in New York City but neither expects it to last once Erin heads home to San Francisco and Garrett remains behind for his Big Apple job. But after six romantic weeks, neither is sure they want it to end. So despite opposing coasts, naysaying friends and family and unexpected temptations, the couple just might have found something like love. And helped by a lot of texting, sexting and late-night phone calls, they might actually go the distance.
UM, I get it. Drew Barrymore does romantic comedies. She does them very well. But, I would rather see her in fun stuff like Charlies Angels than crap like this.
Also, I have decided to make this the reason to be pissed off about Christina Applegate. I watched all those seasons of Married With Children and waited for her to mature and get naked finally. Yup, never happened. Now, after her breast cancer that is never going to happen. I am so glad that she survuved the breast cancer and is a strong woman and she is very funny in everything I see her in, but no boobies? Ever?
There I vented and feel better.
The movie?
Yeah, you seen one of these you've seen them all. Never Been Kissed is much better.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Leave it to The Waltz luck and the fact that my recording device was not working. Because of that I decided to write this down to get the gist of the interview down and running.
The Last Exorcism is a film where Cotton Marcus, played by Patrick hires a film crew to expose the falseness of his own profession.
Then they get to the farm where something is happening like nothing he has seen before.
I asked Patrick why a guy who is better known for his television work decided to do something like The Last Exorcism. He told me that he went through the audition process. They were looking for someone charismatic and could come across as an evangelical preacher. On his second audition he wrote his own sermon and took a lot from the ministers of large, mega churches.
While I have seen a few of the films that could be considered mockumentaries, I thought that this one pulled it off a little better. None of the shaky amateur camera work that is abundant in films like Cloverfield or Blair Witch Project. Patrick said that this was a camera crew that he hired, within the context of the story, so it would look more professional than either of the aforementioned works which is supposed to be completely amateur work.
We talked about how the ad campaign blares the words THE LAST EXORCISM at you and the word Exorcism has some baggage from films like The Exorcist so, you go in a little tense. Then it opens nice and normal. The movie lulls you into that false sense of security until that scene where Caleb hits the van with that ball of mud and there’s that loud BOOM! From the hit and it shocks you back into remembering this is a horror movie and now that you think you’re all nice and safe it’s time to make you jump. Patrick said that this was his favorite part of the movie.
I also liked the ending. No neat ending of any kind. When I mentioned that to Patrick that the fate of his character was unknown he laughed and told me that he had friends that told him he had a great death scene even though nothing like that is shown. He also had others who told him that it was smart because it left it open for a sequel. I liked that it seemed that here was a man with a crisis of faith who reaches that point where he knows better. He rises to challenge the demon that is starting to appear from the flames. Patrick agreed that this was a pivotal time for Cotton and it changed him.
I also asked about the name ‘Cotton Marcus’ and its similarity to Cotton Mather, one of the famous witch hunters from the Salem Witch trials. Patrick said that the name is a nod, but just the name as the characters are radically different.
I asked him about his co star the possessed Nell played by Ashley Bell. He said that all of her contortions were on set and not altered in any way. She was able to contort her body into a pretzel and Patrick said it made his job so much easier. He just had to put on a shirt and a tie and react to what was happening in front of him. Apparently Ashley showed the director the back bend a few days before and he said that they could use that. There was no idea that she could do that when she was hired. Just an example of good fortune.
In the end The Last Exorcism is a fine example of what can be done with some intelligence and acting in the realm of mockumentaries. Using the restrictions of the sub genre to its advantages it can make for an interesting movie. Patrick Fabian was a gentleman and actually knows people in Kalamazoo and we wished each other a Merry Christmas and that was it.
I am still upset that the recording equipment failed, but I would have to recommend The Last Exorcism which hits DVD on January 4th from the fine folks at Lionsgate. I can already see a sequel with a demon damaged wild eyed Cotton surviving his encounter. It would be so cool.
Friday, December 10, 2010
In the next week or so I will be interviewing America Olvio of BITCHSLAP fame who currently has the lead villianess role in The Broadway Spider-Man musical. Also Patrick Fabian of THE LAST EXORCISM fame which is coming out soon on DVD. I'll post them as soon as I get them finished.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
DVD Round Up
These seem to work best. We get a lot of DVDs here at Penguin Comics Central and with the holidays it's a good place to get these holiday goodies.
My daughters love these things and with the holidays approaching it is the best of the bunch. Yeah, it's a girl movie, but so what?
Um, didn't they make this already with Macauley Culkin and this little girl and he died in it? I thought Rob Reiner poured on a little too much scmaltz with this. At least he gave us Spinal Tap.
This was never going to work for me. I am a Sherlock purist. I think the original stories in their original settings are so well done that when things like this come along I cringe. Yeah, some people might like this and if it leads them to the original stories then great. Not my cup of tea.
I want to wish each and all of you a very Merry Christmas and an excellent New Year. I think that our founder, Larry Stanley would be happy with Penguin Comics. I know he loved Christmas. Stay warm, stay safe and be happy in this joyous season.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
DVD Round Up
Time to get through a pile of DVDs that have collected here at Penguin Comics Central. Pay attention there are lots of goodies in here.
Really?? Corey Feldman needs to fins something else to do. He should be playing people's fathers by now.
I like this Doctor. Sure, he reminds me a little of Gordon Ramsey, but I look past that at a really great storyline. Oh and about that. It doesn't always need to be an epic storyline. They could just do little stories of The Doctor like in the old days. It doesn't all have to tie into something. And Miss Amy Pond is smoking hot. Probably the hottest of the bunch, but I still like Martha Jones more.
This just seemed dark. And by dark I mean poorly lit. And don't hookers get naked. I'm pretty sure they do. Megan Fox will go down in history as the most clothed prostitute in all of film history. Bleh!
Yeah, I watched the original back in the day when there wasn't a lot of choices in TV land. It rocked. This seemed, well forced at best.
The BBC version always seems more concerned with staying true to the text and not as flashy as the Disney productions. My question is why doesn't anyone ever adapt The Magician's Nephew? That's my favorite book of the bunch.
I thought I should end this column on a high note. Classic Scooby with my favorite episode of the haunted airport with the creepy skull guy in the spacesuit. This is the one that creeped me out as a little kid and it still carries some emotional weight to this day.
Well, there ya go. If one of these reviews has tempted you to buy something then by all means use the handy dandy buttons I supplied at the end of each little review.
Have an excellent day!
Really?? Corey Feldman needs to fins something else to do. He should be playing people's fathers by now.
I like this Doctor. Sure, he reminds me a little of Gordon Ramsey, but I look past that at a really great storyline. Oh and about that. It doesn't always need to be an epic storyline. They could just do little stories of The Doctor like in the old days. It doesn't all have to tie into something. And Miss Amy Pond is smoking hot. Probably the hottest of the bunch, but I still like Martha Jones more.
This just seemed dark. And by dark I mean poorly lit. And don't hookers get naked. I'm pretty sure they do. Megan Fox will go down in history as the most clothed prostitute in all of film history. Bleh!
Yeah, I watched the original back in the day when there wasn't a lot of choices in TV land. It rocked. This seemed, well forced at best.
The BBC version always seems more concerned with staying true to the text and not as flashy as the Disney productions. My question is why doesn't anyone ever adapt The Magician's Nephew? That's my favorite book of the bunch.
I thought I should end this column on a high note. Classic Scooby with my favorite episode of the haunted airport with the creepy skull guy in the spacesuit. This is the one that creeped me out as a little kid and it still carries some emotional weight to this day.
Well, there ya go. If one of these reviews has tempted you to buy something then by all means use the handy dandy buttons I supplied at the end of each little review.
Have an excellent day!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)
Five teenage friends living on one street all dream of a sinister man with a disfigured face, a frightening voice and a gardener’s glove with knives for fingers. But when one among them dies, they soon realize that what happens in their dreams happens for real and the only way to stay alive is to stay awake. Buried in their past is a debt that has just come due. To save themselves, they must plunge into the mind of the most twisted nightmare of all: Freddy Krueger. Jackie Earle Haley plays the legendary evildoer in this contemporary reimagining of the seminal horror classic.
Yeah, no way I was watching this one. Being a true fan of the original films I knew they would ruin it. Since I have yet to receive the screener, I'll stick with that opinion.
Splice Blu Ray Combo Pack
Superstar genetic engineers Clive (Adrien Brody) and Elsa (Sarah Polley) specialize in splicing DNA from different animals to create incredible new hybrids. Now they want to use human DNA in a hybrid that could revolutionize science and medicine. But when the pharmaceutical company that funds their research forbids it, they secretly take their experiment underground – risking their careers to push the boundaries of science and serve their own curiosity and ambition. The result is Dren, an amazing, strangely beautiful creature of uncommon intelligence and unexpected physical developments. At first, Dren exceeds their wildest dreams. But as she grows and learns at an accelerated rate, her existence threatens to become their worst nightmare.
Isn't this just Species? And the girl was cuter in Species.
Isn't this just Species? And the girl was cuter in Species.
Human Target Season 1 on DVD and Blu Ray
DC Comics can give us normal chracters right next to the ones who wear capes and fly around for a living. One such charcater who has been a part of the DC roster for decades is Christopher Chance, also known as The Human Target. If someone is after you Chance is your man to make sure you are taken out of harm's way. With his support crew, Ops manager Winston (Chi McBride) and techno genius Guerrero (Jackie Earle Haley) The bad guys do not stand a chance against The Human Target.
Two and a Half Men The Complete Seveth Season
I have to admit that I rarely catch this show and when I do, it's usually on syndication. Now in it's seventh season with a child actor who makes quite a bit of bank, it is still a really funny show. Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer have amazing Chemistry together. From what I understand this one will be around for quite some time.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Another in the series of Peanuts specials, He's Your Dog, Charlie Brown, tells the tale of a beagle who has become to much of a pain to be tolerated in the Peanuts neighborhood. Charlie Brown decides to send him back to Daisy Hill Puppy Farm for a refresher course in discipline.
Snoopy never makes it past Peppermint Patty's house where he revels in being waited on hand and foot. When Charlie Brown tries to bring him back, Snoopy refuses, but Peppermint Patty is sick of his attitude and puts him to work. Snoopy is about to learn that the grass isn;t always greener on the other side.
This, along with the other cartoon, Life Is A Circus, Charlie Brown are adequate Peanuts cartoons, but that isn't the reason you must own this disc.
The real reason is a little documentary included on the disc entitled; Snoopy's Home Ice: The Story of the Redwood Empire Ice Arena. This is a place that Charles Schultz considered his home away from home. He and his wife, Jean, built this for them all to skate in and it has become an institution in Santa Rosa every since. Generations of skaters have taken their fair share of spills in this wonderful ice arena and the documentary is full of never before seen snippets of Charles Schultz' life and how he has affected so many others lives outside the realm of his cartton strip. I think this is the reason for the purchase of this disc.
Sure, the cartoons are alright, but it's fascinating to see another facet of the man who brought so many people so much joy through the years in a completely different environment.
Snoopy never makes it past Peppermint Patty's house where he revels in being waited on hand and foot. When Charlie Brown tries to bring him back, Snoopy refuses, but Peppermint Patty is sick of his attitude and puts him to work. Snoopy is about to learn that the grass isn;t always greener on the other side.
This, along with the other cartoon, Life Is A Circus, Charlie Brown are adequate Peanuts cartoons, but that isn't the reason you must own this disc.
The real reason is a little documentary included on the disc entitled; Snoopy's Home Ice: The Story of the Redwood Empire Ice Arena. This is a place that Charles Schultz considered his home away from home. He and his wife, Jean, built this for them all to skate in and it has become an institution in Santa Rosa every since. Generations of skaters have taken their fair share of spills in this wonderful ice arena and the documentary is full of never before seen snippets of Charles Schultz' life and how he has affected so many others lives outside the realm of his cartton strip. I think this is the reason for the purchase of this disc.
Sure, the cartoons are alright, but it's fascinating to see another facet of the man who brought so many people so much joy through the years in a completely different environment.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The 14th Dalai Lama: A Manga Biography
I don't read a lot of manga. I'm old school, Marvel and DC with a spattering of independents through the years, But manga? No, not a lot of that.
Recently I was at the local library looking through the graphic novels and whatnot and I came across this thing called A Drifting Life by Yoshihiro Tatsumi. The book is freaking huge! I looked at it for weeks everytime I went to the library. Finally I checked it out.
I never should have waited. This was a wonderful book.
Because of that I decided to read The 14th Dalai Lama: A Manga Biography. The author, Tetsu Saiwai's style reminded me a little of Tatsumi's so I had that going for me. But, more importantly, is how informative this little volume is. It begins with the passing of the 13 Dalai Lama and the discovery of the 14th at the age of two. we see him butting heads with China and it brings the tale of this remarkable human being to the forefront of the brain. It's not just that smiling guy who shows up on the news from time to time. This is a rich history of a truly historical figure.
This should be required reading for any modern history course in the world.
A truly fine book on a wonderful individual.
Recently I was at the local library looking through the graphic novels and whatnot and I came across this thing called A Drifting Life by Yoshihiro Tatsumi. The book is freaking huge! I looked at it for weeks everytime I went to the library. Finally I checked it out.
I never should have waited. This was a wonderful book.
Because of that I decided to read The 14th Dalai Lama: A Manga Biography. The author, Tetsu Saiwai's style reminded me a little of Tatsumi's so I had that going for me. But, more importantly, is how informative this little volume is. It begins with the passing of the 13 Dalai Lama and the discovery of the 14th at the age of two. we see him butting heads with China and it brings the tale of this remarkable human being to the forefront of the brain. It's not just that smiling guy who shows up on the news from time to time. This is a rich history of a truly historical figure.
This should be required reading for any modern history course in the world.
A truly fine book on a wonderful individual.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Okay, poor excuse, but school started this week so I've been running like a madman. with that being said, let's cover a few things that have appeared at The Waltz Compound.
Um, really? This seemed like a good idea, why? Is it because of the Sherlock Holmes movie? I think it could have been money better spent on some new Tom and Jerry cartoons done old style.
My only complaint would have to be why not the entire series? Oh well, this is the best cartoon on television currently and it just keeps getting better. I hope this one has some legs and last for seasons upon seasons.
Ya know I'm not one of those people who are a big fan of this series. I missed the suit. But, I'm a traditionalist and like things my own way. Then they threw the Wonder Twins in here and all I can say is bravo! The show could use more of this kind of thing.
This is a fun show and it's smart so the geniuses over at NBC will probably cancel it. I've heard that Robert Englund of Nightmare On Elm Street fame will be making an appearance in this season's Halloween episode. Sounds good to me.
Not a fan. I realize that this show has a fan base or it wouldn't be in its fifth season, but it just doesn't work for me. I liked Reaper better.
Um, really? This seemed like a good idea, why? Is it because of the Sherlock Holmes movie? I think it could have been money better spent on some new Tom and Jerry cartoons done old style.
My only complaint would have to be why not the entire series? Oh well, this is the best cartoon on television currently and it just keeps getting better. I hope this one has some legs and last for seasons upon seasons.
Ya know I'm not one of those people who are a big fan of this series. I missed the suit. But, I'm a traditionalist and like things my own way. Then they threw the Wonder Twins in here and all I can say is bravo! The show could use more of this kind of thing.
This is a fun show and it's smart so the geniuses over at NBC will probably cancel it. I've heard that Robert Englund of Nightmare On Elm Street fame will be making an appearance in this season's Halloween episode. Sounds good to me.
Not a fan. I realize that this show has a fan base or it wouldn't be in its fifth season, but it just doesn't work for me. I liked Reaper better.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Lord Of The Rings On Blu Ray
Yup, the fine folks over at Warner Bros. are releasing the trilogy on Blu Ray on September 14.
To get an interactive desktop that is pretty
freaking cool, go HERE!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
So, I get this DVD set in the mail to review. I have vaguely heard of the series. It's got Julia Louis Dreyfus from Seinfeld in it. That's all I knew.
Then I opened the set and thought to myself, I'll watch one, maybe two of these things and do a brief write up on the series that I have never watched.
Watched the whole thing.
In one sitting.
I haven;t laughed this hard in quite some time. The people are funny, Julia is funny as Hell.
Now I have to go back and watch the rest of these things.
I can't believed I have missed this for so long. And it's up to Season 5!?!?!
Yeah, I'm officially a fan from here on out.
Time to hunt down those new episodes.
The New Adventures of Old Christine: Season 3
Then I opened the set and thought to myself, I'll watch one, maybe two of these things and do a brief write up on the series that I have never watched.
Watched the whole thing.
In one sitting.
I haven;t laughed this hard in quite some time. The people are funny, Julia is funny as Hell.
Now I have to go back and watch the rest of these things.
I can't believed I have missed this for so long. And it's up to Season 5!?!?!
Yeah, I'm officially a fan from here on out.
Time to hunt down those new episodes.
The New Adventures of Old Christine: Season 3
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
BURBANK, CA (August 11, 2010) – Warner Bros. Pictures presents an
enthralling examination of the creative forces behind the World’s
Greatest Super Heroes in Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics, an
all-new documentary that takes viewers behind the scenes of the iconic
company with unprecedented access to the Warner Bros. and DC Comics
archives. Narrated by Ryan Reynolds, Secret Origin: The Story of DC
Comics will be distributed by Warner Home Video on November 9, 2010 on
DVD for $24.98 (SRP). Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics will also
be available On Demand and for Download.
Behind the amazing tales of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and a host
of other well-known characters is the equally impressive story of the
challenges, creativity and triumphs of the company that brought those
celebration of the best writers and artists in comics and a thoughtful
exploration of 75 years of DC Comics history.
Produced by the Academy Award ® -nominated team behind Spellbound
(Feature Documentary), Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics combines
excerpts from comics, films and television series with the insight of
some of history’s most influential comic book creators and editors,
among them Neal Adams, Karen Berger, Mike Carlin, Dan DiDio, Neil
Gaiman, Geoff Johns, Jim Lee, Paul Levitz, Dwayne McDuffie, Grant
Morrison, Dennis O’Neil, Paul Pope, Louise Simonson, Mark Waid, Len
Wein, and Marv Wolfman.
Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics is written and directed by Mac
Carter. Jeffrey Blitz (Spellbound, The Office) served as executive
producer. Producer is Gregory Noveck and co-producer is Ivan Cohen.
Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics is produced by Sean Welch and
Janet Eckholm.
“From the bans to the breakthroughs, from humble pulp beginnings to
the literary rise of the graphic novel, the story of DC Comics holds a
mirror to an ever-evolving enterprise and the society reflected in its
comic book pages,” said Diane Nelson, President, DC Entertainment.
“It’s a true American story – Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics is
a riveting, exciting, surprising revelation of that fascinating
history and the men and women who forged it.”
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Harry Potter:Spells
Muggles Everywhere Can Turn Their iPhone™ and iPod touch® Into Magic Wands to Cast Spells and Duel One Another
BURBANK, Calif., August 4, 2010 – HARRY POTTER™: SPELLS, the best-selling Harry Potter App for the iPhone and iPod touch, is now available as a free app on the App Store. Based on the Harry Potter films, this immersive app transforms Muggles everywhere into fledgling wizards, enabling them to cast spells against their opponents or disarm them with spells such as Expelliarmus.
Earlier this year, fans who previously purchased HARRY POTTER™: SPELLS were asked to choose the future spell packs through the App’s official Facebook pages. After receiving a tremendous response, three of the top spells chosen by fans have been included in the first of many spell packs. The first pack is now available on the App Store and includes Avada Kedavra (instantly defeats your opponent), Morsmordre (summons the Dark Mark) and Reparo (repairs broken objects). By downloading these spell packs, seasoned Muggles will be able to further hone their spell casting abilities. Players who download the free app can also add these powerful spells to their collection for an additional $0.99.
HARRY POTTER™: SPELLS – FREE begins with three spells that allow wizards-in-training to conjure up magic alone or duel others by casting spells from one device to another using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connections. After receiving an official invitation to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, students visit Ollivanders wand shop, where the wand chooses its new master. Players are then introduced to the legendary Sorting Hat and placed into one of the four houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin). Then it’s time to begin Wizard Training in Practice, where players learn the specific hand gestures or touch mechanisms to cast each spell.
May the Best Wizard Win!
Once students master their spells they can practice against the computer or challenge a friend to a duel. While players of different years may duel, be wary, as more advanced students will have a tactical advantage with a larger repertoire of spells – but novice students can still win based on their magical skills (more damage is done to an opponent with higher level spells and with well-cast spells, regardless of level). A duel concludes when one player’s health meter is reduced to zero.
Spell Types
The app teaches players some of the most popular spells from the world of Harry Potter, including Expelliarmus, Alohomora, and Petrificus Totalus!
Player Profile
Accomplishments, including mastering spells in practice mode and winning duels, are rewarded with house points. The house points that a player earns are combined with those earned by all other players in the same house around the world. In the Profile section, players can monitor the following:
· Statistics: A record of the player’s accomplishments and total number of house points earned including name, house, wins/losses in dueling, total house points, player’s rank within the house and in the school.
· House Point Leaderboard: Displays top ranked players in all four houses and an Overall Leaderboard that showcases the top Hogwarts students.
· Facebook integration – Players can post profiles and scores on Facebook.
The HARRY POTTER™: SPELLS - FREE App is available from the App Store on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad or at The HARRY POTTER™: SPELLS spell packs are now available for $0.99 each. The full version of the App which includes 17 spells and one premium spell pack is also available for $2.99.
For more information on HARRY POTTER™: SPELLS please visit: or on Facebook
HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR.
Muggles Everywhere Can Turn Their iPhone™ and iPod touch® Into Magic Wands to Cast Spells and Duel One Another
BURBANK, Calif., August 4, 2010 – HARRY POTTER™: SPELLS, the best-selling Harry Potter App for the iPhone and iPod touch, is now available as a free app on the App Store. Based on the Harry Potter films, this immersive app transforms Muggles everywhere into fledgling wizards, enabling them to cast spells against their opponents or disarm them with spells such as Expelliarmus.
Earlier this year, fans who previously purchased HARRY POTTER™: SPELLS were asked to choose the future spell packs through the App’s official Facebook pages. After receiving a tremendous response, three of the top spells chosen by fans have been included in the first of many spell packs. The first pack is now available on the App Store and includes Avada Kedavra (instantly defeats your opponent), Morsmordre (summons the Dark Mark) and Reparo (repairs broken objects). By downloading these spell packs, seasoned Muggles will be able to further hone their spell casting abilities. Players who download the free app can also add these powerful spells to their collection for an additional $0.99.
HARRY POTTER™: SPELLS – FREE begins with three spells that allow wizards-in-training to conjure up magic alone or duel others by casting spells from one device to another using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connections. After receiving an official invitation to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, students visit Ollivanders wand shop, where the wand chooses its new master. Players are then introduced to the legendary Sorting Hat and placed into one of the four houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin). Then it’s time to begin Wizard Training in Practice, where players learn the specific hand gestures or touch mechanisms to cast each spell.
May the Best Wizard Win!
Once students master their spells they can practice against the computer or challenge a friend to a duel. While players of different years may duel, be wary, as more advanced students will have a tactical advantage with a larger repertoire of spells – but novice students can still win based on their magical skills (more damage is done to an opponent with higher level spells and with well-cast spells, regardless of level). A duel concludes when one player’s health meter is reduced to zero.
Spell Types
The app teaches players some of the most popular spells from the world of Harry Potter, including Expelliarmus, Alohomora, and Petrificus Totalus!
Player Profile
Accomplishments, including mastering spells in practice mode and winning duels, are rewarded with house points. The house points that a player earns are combined with those earned by all other players in the same house around the world. In the Profile section, players can monitor the following:
· Statistics: A record of the player’s accomplishments and total number of house points earned including name, house, wins/losses in dueling, total house points, player’s rank within the house and in the school.
· House Point Leaderboard: Displays top ranked players in all four houses and an Overall Leaderboard that showcases the top Hogwarts students.
· Facebook integration – Players can post profiles and scores on Facebook.
The HARRY POTTER™: SPELLS - FREE App is available from the App Store on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad or at The HARRY POTTER™: SPELLS spell packs are now available for $0.99 each. The full version of the App which includes 17 spells and one premium spell pack is also available for $2.99.
For more information on HARRY POTTER™: SPELLS please visit: or on Facebook
HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Denzel Washington is a man on a mission. To protect a book that may be the cure that mankind has been searching for since the sky opened up and rained destruction on the planet. In this bleak post apocalyptic future he must face off against a madman played by Gary Oldman who also wants the book for all the wrong reasons.
I really liked the look of the flick. That almost sepia tone to the world and it was a novel idea for a post apocalyptic movie. Both Washington and Oldman give stellar performances in the film.
The Book Of Eli is probably one of the best of these type of movies since The Road Warrior.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Man, I think this is gonna suck.

I am a number one Captain America fan. I have seen all the Captain America movies. Even the crappy one where he was a surfer and had a clear plastic shield. Now, movies have come a long way and the new Captain America movie had me excited. Then I saw the picture above. First, I guess I didn't remember that The Human Torch was playing Cap. Yeah, that's gonna suck. And this suit?!? I wasn't aware that we were cherry picking whatever we wanted from The Ultimates line of Marvel Comics. Which all suck by the way. If you're such a bad writer that you can't work within the confines of The Marvel Universe so you invent a place where you can do whatever you want then I don't know go work for DC or something.
Needless to say I am no longer all that excited about seeing this flick.
I'll watch Jonah Hex instead.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
DVD Round Up
Look at the cast on this beast! Who thought this was a good idea? I would so NOT be the director for something like this, can you imagine the logistics and chaos of such a cast? No way. Oh and the movie is a little overdone and sappy.
Ah 80's cartoons. Nothing quite like the taste of Chuck Norris and Mr. T in animated form. These are some of the best and possibly the worst cartoons ever made. It's kind of a personal preference kind of thing.
The third in the series of men in prison beating the crap out of each other. Ever since Penitentiary people have always been clamoring for more of this stuff. Who can blame them? Fighting is cool.
Peanuts, no matter what, are always cool. These box sets are indispensable. Stop reading this claptrap and go buy them. NOW! Don't you dare read that Invictus review! Get out of here!
Well, the previous review should have scared everyone off so I don't have to write anything do I? Oh, one thing. I wish that Clint Eastwood would do another cowboy movie before he dies. We know he's smart and he doesn't have to prove it with his movies. That's all I'm saying.
Mel Gibson back in the crazy saddle? I'm sold!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Where’s Spot?
And other stories.
Based on the best-selling Books by Eric Hill
9 Full-length episodes at 30 minutes each
DVD Extras: Three Bonus Episodes, Spot’s Shapes and Colors Game, and Eric Hill reads as well.
Once again BBC has issued an amazing set of children’s stories from television programs based on books. And this time around, it’s all about 30 years of Eric Hill’s Spot stories that focus on a curious and lovable puppy and all the antics and mischief he gets into.
“Spot has disappeared! Can you help Sally find him? Is he behind the door? Is he inside the clock? Is he under the stairs? Kids will love searching for Spot in this adorable children’s classic. Plus, in this DVD, you’ll also have fun with Spot at the playground, at the park, in the bath, and more! There are six episodes in all together, each with its own special song, plus three bonus episodes and more! Spot has never been so delightful!”
Sit with your kids and enjoy the titles: Where’s Spot?, Spot’s Lost Bone, Spot at the Playground, Spot goes to the Park, Spot Finds a Key, and Spot Goes Splash! I guarantee your little ones will be absolutely enthralled with these popular and well known stories much as my little 4-year old was. She sat absolutely transfixed as the wonderful colors and stories played out. Highly recommended.
-- Stew Miller
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Jonah Hex Motion Comics!

I have always had a soft spot for this scarred gunslinger. well, except when they propelled him into the far flung future, but even that was alright.
Well, in anticipation of the new flick, DC is putting out motion comics.
I really despise iTunes, but a lot of you don't so, check it out here;
Friday, May 7, 2010
Preacher's Kid
Using the story of The Prodigal Son as a basis they switch genders and set it in modern day times. This is actually a well done, Christian based movie that will reach a wide audience. That's a great thing and I'm glad to see a company like warner Bros. doing things like this. I would recommend this movie to anyone.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
IMAX: Under The Sea
Now this is a reason for Blue Ray. Real nature photography in the multicolored, magnificent depths of the ocean. Its like a super sharp, high definition version of those old Walt Disney specials they used to show on The Wonderful World of Disney. The ones where you'd groan because you'd rather have cartoons or Kurt Russell doing something cool, but then it sucks you in.
Yeah this is waaaay better tan those and worth the price. I recommend watching it on the biggest screen you can. It will be so worth it.
I made a joke with my wife that when Black Dog starring Patrick Swayze, Randy Travis and Meatloaf came out that Hollywood had this big hat of movie star names and whne they were making movies they would just draw names from a hat.
Well this time around the director only got to use the hat twice and came up with Bindi Irwin and Beau Bridges.
This is one of those times where I miss Steve Irwin. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't let his daughter do half the stuff she's done, especially a beating a dead horse, fourth installment in the Free Willy series.
And this is a baby whale so, not the same whale, right? Are children so unimaginative that they use the same name for whales the world over? I think not.
Now, if you could get a Free Willy: Willy VS. Jason Voorhees? I would watch that.
This one.
Fail in an epic way.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Is there a reason for me to recap what this story is about? Has anyone not read this book? Let me know and I will read it to them.
Anyway, this is the movie. I didn't go to the theater to see it because, well it seemed wrong to me. When the DVD landed at my doorstop I was a little shaken.
Then I watched it.
There are a lot of things that about the movie I liked, but I'm not going to cover them here. Because overall, I really didn't like this movie. I really loved the music. It reminded me of Kate Micucci.
In the end, I think I will just stick with the book.
I gave the DVD away.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Bugs and The Easter Bunny together at last!!
Well, sort of.
Narrated by Academy Award winner Burl Ives, The First Easter Rabbit is the tuneful and vibrant, Rankin/Bass holiday classic that tells the story of the origin of the first Easter Bunny.
Stuffy is a plush rabbit given to a young girl as a Christmas gift. He is brought to life by a fairy, to serve as the symbol of Easter and is sent to Easter Valley, an enchanted place near the North Pole where it’s always spring. In Easter Valley, Stuffy hopes to bring the first-ever basket of Easter goodies to its children. Stuffy’s plans however, are thwarted when a cold-hearted ice creature named Zero refuses to allow the spread of happiness throughout the valley. Zero threatens to freeze Easter Valley, so that it becomes just like the North Pole. It’s up to Stuffy to stop Zero from unleashing his cold-hearted plan.
The First Easter Rabbit: Deluxe Edition will be offered in a fully re-mastered format and will include an all-new interactive puzzle game. The DVD’s packaging will feature beautiful, rainbow foil embossing.
From plush bunnies to “wascally wabbits,” Bugs Bunny’s Easter Funnies is the animated Easter special that features a star-studded lineup of all-time favorite Looney Tunes characters including Bugs Bunny, Sylvester, Granny, Pepe Le Pew, Foghorn Leghorn, Yosemite Sam and Daffy Duck.
In Bugs Bunny’s Easter Funnies, Granny tries to recruit a substitute for the Easter Bunny when he falls ill. Someone has to help deliver Easter baskets and so Bugs Bunny and his pals all volunteer. Each character auditions for Granny. Which Looney Tunes character makes the best Easter Bunny? Viewers will be surprised! Portions of legendary Looney Tunes cartoon shorts are cleverly mixed into the plot of this delightful special including Birds Anonymous, For Scent-imental Reasons, Knighty Knight Bugs, Sahara Hare, Robin Hood Daffy, Rabbit of Seville, Hillbilly Hare and Tweety’s Circus.
Aside from the special, the DVD will also include a bonus short titled His Hare Raising Tale and three menu-based puzzle games.
I always remembered The Bugs Bunny thing with some fondness and the extra cartoons are a real plus. I always thought the Easter Bunny thing by Rankin and Bass came across as well, I don't know...demented? Still a fun watch after all these years.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Time Traveler's Wife
Okay, here's the skinny;
Lose yourself in timeless love with this gloriously romantic story of the journey of two hearts. Artist Clare Abshire (Rachel McAdams of The Notebook) shares a deep emotional bond with Henry De Tamble (Eric Bana of The Other Boleyn Girl), a handsome librarian who travels involuntarily through time. Knowing they can be separated without warning, Clare and Henry treasure the moments they have together, imbuing them with the yearning and passion of two people imprisoned by time?and set free by love. Based on the #1 bestseller, The Time Traveler?s Wife weaves together destiny and devotion, past and future to turn an extraordinary love into an extraordinary love story.
That being said, I thought this was just demon dull. Rachel McAdams is always pretty to look at, but the rest of it just seemed, I don't know, boring.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Ripley's Believe it or Not

The Warner Archives never ceases to amaze me. With this two disc set that have collected the theatrical shorts of Ripley's Believe it or Not. Unfamiliar with it?
Wrap your head around this;
Welcome to the Believe It or Not Hall of Curiosity. Here you’ll find a woman reciting 200+ words in 24 seconds, the world’s smallest book (a 5/16” x 1/8” tome of the Rubaiyat), a 6-year-old lifting 200 pounds, a man-eating tree, a duck teaching chickens to swim, a two-headed turtle, a man with a suit made of Confederate currency and much, much more. You may not believe all you see. But you will be entertained. A little more than a decade after Robert L. Ripley put pen to paper and captured the imaginations of readers everywhere, he brought his knack for finding the unusual to moviehouses with these 24 Theatrical Shorts that are part travelogue, part human interest, part history, part fanciful, all Ripley – believe it or not!
Sounds pretty cool huh? And these are some high quality discs I might add. Order yours today...if you dare!! CLICK HERE TO ORDER
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