The last of the Serverin set BLACK EMANUELLE'S BOX VOL. 2 and it looks like I have saved the best for last. A non-Joe D'Amato entry in the Black Emanuelle series and now Emanuelle (Laura Gemser) is in North Africa visiting friends and handing out with Carlo, the demented photographer that is played by her real life husband, Gabriele Tinti. You know were in for a demented time when he forces her to pose naked next to a corpse of a dog. Blech!
It isn't long before Emanuelle and company get entangled with a religiopus zealot by the name of Antonio. This blonde haired, messiah wannabe spells serious trouble.
This is how Emanuelle is supposed to be. Exotic location, lots of naked women and some seriously simulated sex. When the head of the household goes down on Antonio in the desert and comes back into view with some serious man goo on her face you know that you're in for a good time.
The characters have actual depth, surprising in this type of film. The cinematography is gorgeous and Ms. Gemser never looked better.
BLACK EMANUELLE, WHITE EMANUELLE is the feather in the cap of this recent release by Severin. Can we have the next set soon? Please?